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Sports Fitness Advisor: A Most Welcome Site for Sports Purists

By Lee 0

I just recently came across this really interesting website, Sports Fitness Advisor.  As we all have seen and experienced, the internet is filled with so many sports “experts” who give opinions, generalizations, and sometimes, just downright false information about fitness and training.

That’s why this site is very much welcome to all of us sport fans who continue to learn and seek more information about the sports we love.  Created by Jenny Anderson, the site provides tons of evidence-based information that will help athletes of all levels in their fitness and training.

I was impressed with the sport-specific training programs in the site.

Screenshot from Sports Fitness Advisor

As an avid golfer, I checked out the “golf training” program and was pleased to see a lot of articles on specific fitness training regimens for golf.  The good thing about the articles is that they offer specific exercises and activities which have been based on scientific research, and not just broad-stroke recommendations.

Since Champion’s Edge is focused on the mental side of sport, I see Sports Fitness Advisor as a very good “tag team partner” – the fitness training counterpart to the mental game coaching I espouse.  Together, readers get a comprehensive perspective (ex. sound mind in a sound body) of sport and fitness.

Hope you all find time to check it out!

author: Lee


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